Privacy policy

This Policy details how we process and protect the personal data of Users on the booking platform (hereinafter "BOOKINGMAP" or "Platform").

The Policy applies to both registered and unregistered users ("User" or "you"). The Policy applies regardless of the device from which you use the website and regardless of the communication channel through which you access the website.


PLEASE NOTE: By submitting personal data you consent to its processing in accordance with this policy.


1. Definitions

1.1. Personal data (hereinafter referred to as "data" or "information") means any information about the User which identifies the User, directly or indirectly, such as name, User ID, location information, online identifiers (indicators of User activity), or other information about the User.

1.2. Processing of personal data means any action or set of actions in relation to personal data, including collection, recording, systematisation, accumulation, storage, updating and modification, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), blocking, removing and destroying - both with and without the use of automated data processing means.

2. What information do we collect about you?

2.1. By giving us access to personal data, you guarantee its accuracy and veracity as well as undertake to inform us of any changes in it.

2.2. You will be liable for any damage caused to the Platform or the person responsible for the Platform, as well as any other User, service provider or third party, if your personal data is inaccurate or incorrect.

2.3. If you fail to provide the data necessary to register or provide advertising services, or if you refuse further processing or request that your personal data be deleted, we are probably unable to continue to provide our services to you or to remain in any other legal relationship with you.

2.4. The personal data you provide when you use our services or create an account on the Platform:

Depending on the type of Booking, we may ask you to provide your home address, telephone number, payment details, date of birth, current location (in the case of on-demand services), the full names of all persons travelling with you, and any preferences you have for the Trip (for example, dining preferences or any environmental accessibility requirements). In some cases you may also have the option of registering your check-in online with the Service Provider, whereby we will request your passport or driving licence details and signature.

In addition, we collect your data when you need to contact our Support Team, contact your Service Provider through our website. This applies when you contact us via our services to leave feedback or ask for help.

If you create an account, we will also store personal settings, uploaded photos and feedback from previous bookings. This stored information may be processed to assist you in planning and managing future Bookings and to take advantage of other features available only to registered Users (such as special offers and other benefits).

You may also specify additional information from your records in your account so that you do not have to provide it for each individual Booking.

2.5. If you need to provide us with personal data or other information about third parties, you must obtain their consent to such a disclosure yourself. Otherwise, such a transfer of data is prohibited. The uploading of third party data or photo-images of third parties onto the Platform is prohibited.

2.6. In individual cases, we may need to request additional personal data about you. In such a case, we will send you a separate request and inform you of the purpose of the collection and processing.

2.7. Personal data that we collect automatically when you use our services or create an account on the Platform:

Data that is generated as part of one of your transactions (offers, purchases) or that is linked to your account as a result of a transaction in which you participate, such as transaction amounts, time and place of transactions and method of payment.

Data that is generated as a result of your other activities in using our services and that is linked to your account.

Data about all other interactions with our services, your advertising preferences and your communication with us.

IP address, selected time zone settings, geolocation, device type, browser type, session ID (interaction with the Platform, domain name of the website from which you accessed the Platform, the functions you use and pages viewed on the Platform, how you use the Platform, date and time of the request, and the actions you take, if any).

2.8 The personal data we collect in connection with the use of cookies and similar technologies. 

You can read more about this in the Cookie Policy.

2.9. Personal information we receive from third parties

In addition to the information you give us yourself, we may receive information about you from other sources. These include business partners as well as other independent third parties.

Our Platform also integrate services of third party payment processing providers between you and the Service Providers. These providers share payment data with us so that we can process your Booking.

In addition, we collect information in cases where we receive a complaint against you from a Service Provider, such as for inappropriate behaviour.

2.10. The specific set of personal data processed about you depends on the services you select, the purposes for which we process it, how you interact with us, and your activity on the Platform.

3. How do we process children's personal data?

3.1. The services we offer are not designed for children under the age of 18 and we do not collect their data unless it is provided by a parent or guardian (and with their consent). In limited cases we may collect personal data from children under the age of 18 when making bookings, purchasing services for trip arrangements or in other exceptional cases (where it is a family vacation). Only information provided by a parent or guardian (and with their consent) will be processed and collected.

3.2. If we become aware that we are processing information about children under the age of 18 without the proper consent of their parent or guardian, we will delete such information.

4. Why do we collect this data? To whom and when do we share the data?

4.1. We primarily use your personal data to process your online Booking, which is an important part of the services we provide. This includes sending you communications in relation to your Booking, such as confirmations (including, where applicable, confirmation of purchase and/or payment), change information and reminders. In some cases, it may also include the processing of your personal data to enable you to check-in online by the Service Provider or in relation to possible insurance deposits.

4.2. We process your personal data in order to provide you with our services. This includes the following purposes:

To provide customer service, including to create and manage User accounts, resolve technical difficulties and access various features;

To adapt offerings and experiences, including advertising on their own services or those of third parties;

To monitor general and individual User activity such as keyword searches, ad posting activity and deal making and to manage traffic on the Site;

To communicate with Users, including in relation to service, customer service or authorised marketing communications, through any available communication channels;

To carry out research and development and analytical activities to improve our Platform; 

To enforce compliance with the BOOKINGMAP Terms and Conditions of Use, taking into account anti-fraud and anti-bullying; and

To evaluate certain personal information factors, in particular to analyse and predict personal preferences, interests, behaviour and location.

4.3. In some cases, we may use your data in order to handle and resolve legal claims and disputes, to investigate at the request of public authorities and compliance with regulations, and to enforce the terms on which BOOKINGMAP provides online booking services, or to comply with requests from law enforcement authorities.

4.4. Providing your personal data to BOOKINGMAP is voluntary. In some cases, however, we can provide you with services only after collecting certain personal data. For example, we will not be able to process your Booking unless we receive your name and contact details.

4.5. We also process your personal data where necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party, unless such interests override your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. To reconcile our legitimate interests with your rights, we have put in place appropriate controls. On this basis, we process your data for the following purposes:

To participate in investigations and proceedings (including legal proceedings) carried out by courts, law enforcement authorities, public authorities or governmental, intergovernmental or supranational bodies, including for the detection, investigation and prosecution of unlawful acts, except where the law provides for this effect, and we may legitimately presume that disclosure is necessary to prevent imminent inconvenience or the reporting of suspected unlawful acts. In such cases we will only disclose what we consider necessary, for example your name, city, postcode, telephone number, email address, (previous) User name, IP address, fraud complaints, trading and listing history.

To protect the legitimate interests of third parties in relation to civil disputes, including the investigation of such disputes, unless we have a statutory duty to do so where we can legitimately assume that it is necessary to disclose data to such third parties to prevent imminent trouble.

To prevent, detect, mitigate and investigate fraud, security breaches and other prohibited or unlawful activities, including assessing the risks involved.

To monitor and improve the information security of our Platform, unless required by law.

To provide Users with features that facilitate the processing of transactions.

To mail advertisements (in accordance with your communication settings in your BOOKINGMAP account).

To the extent permitted by applicable law, without your consent, communicate with you by email (such as email or text message) or telephone to offer you vouchers, discounts and special offers, conduct opinion polls and questionnaires, and inform you about our services. If you do not wish to receive marketing emails from us, you can also unsubscribe by clicking on the link in the email you receive. For technical reasons, it may take a few days to implement.

To customise the content of the page to display offers and services that you may like depending on your actions.

To claim or defend against legal actions, including those asserted by one of BOOKINGMAP's Service Providers against the BOOKINGMAP User (or vice versa).

4.6. If necessary, we will share your personal data with processors and the following recipients for one or more of the purposes described above:

External BOOKINGMAP service providers:

The Service Provider from whom you have made a Booking: to complete your Booking, we share the relevant information about your Booking with the Service Provider you have booked with. This is a necessary action to fulfil our obligations.

Depending on the Booking and the Service Provider, the information we transfer may include your name, contact details, payment details, names of people travelling with you and any other information or preferences you have specified at the time of the Booking.

In some cases, we also share with the Service Provider some of your additional data from previous periods. This data includes whether you have booked with the provider in the past, the number of bookings completed on BOOKINGMAP, confirmation of no violations on your part, the percentage of cancelled bookings, and whether you have provided feedback on past bookings.

If you have a question about the Trip, we may contact the Service Provider with a request to process your question. If payment has not been made during the booking process on the BOOKINGMAP website, we will forward your credit card details to the administration of the Service Provider you booked for further processing ( if you have provided these details).

In case of claims or disputes related to the Booking, we may provide the Service Provider with your contact details and other information about the booking process if necessary to resolve the situation. This may include, but is not limited to, your email address and a copy of your booking confirmation as proof that the Booking has been completed or to confirm the reasons for cancellation.

For the sake of completeness, the Service Providers will continue to process your personal data and BOOKINGMAP has no control over this process. Service Providers may also request additional personal data, for example to provide additional services or to comply with local restrictions. If possible, read the Service Provider's Privacy Policy to understand how the Service Provider handles your personal data.

Some Service Providers may ask us to share your personal information with the contracted provider in order to be able to complete and manage your booking. Providers act on behalf of Service Providers and help them manage their bookings.

Insurance service providers.

Providers of payment services.

Law enforcement agencies, courts, state authorities or public authorities, inter-governmental or supranational bodies.

Third parties involved in legal proceedings.

Credit agencies or bureaus, data verification services, risk assessment providers and collection agencies (e.g. information on late payments, defaults or other irregularities that may be relevant to your credit report or that we use to confirm your identity, risk model, establish credit limits or collect outstanding debts).

Our business partners.

5. What rights do you have?

5.1. You may withdraw your consent to us processing your personal data at any time. As a result, we can no longer process your personal data on the basis of this consent in the future. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to withdrawal.

5.2. You have the right to access your personal data that we process. Your right of access must not adversely affect the rights and liberties of others. Your right of access may be restricted by national law. 

5.3. You have the right to obtain correction of inaccurate personal data concerning you from us without undue delay. Given the purposes of the processing, you have the right to have incomplete personal data supplemented, including by submitting a supplementary request.

5.4. You have the right to request that we delete personal data concerning you under certain conditions (for example, when the personal data is no longer needed in connection with the purposes for which it was processed or when it is no longer required for prevailing legitimate grounds, such as fraud detection/prevention), unless the processing is necessary to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, to comply with legal obligations, for reasons of public interest or to establish, exercise or defend legal requirements. The right to delete personal data may be restricted by national law.

5.5. You have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transfer this data to another controller ("right of data portability").

5.6. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. As a general rule, you can contact the supervisory authority at your usual place of residence, place of work or at the location of the controller.

5.7. If your personal data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation.

6. How long do we keep your data?

6.1. We keep your personal data for such period of time as is necessary to enable you to use our services or we may provide services to you (including maintaining any BOOKINGMAP User account you may have), to comply with applicable law, to resolve any disputes, and for other purposes that enable us to conduct business, including detecting and preventing fraudulent and/or other illegal activities. This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data we hold about you as a customer of BOOKINGMAP. We will subsequently delete your personal data or take steps to appropriately anonymise the data. 

6.2. The retention period for personal data varies depending on the services we provide and our legal obligations under applicable national law.

7. How do we protect your data? 

7.1. We follow developments in information security and privacy technology in order to process and protect your personal data from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction by the most up-to-date means possible. For some of the processing, we use pseudonymisation through the use of a unique User ID. All personal data is stored by the Controller on secure servers, unless we involve processors or other controllers in the processing.

7.2. The Controller restricts any access to your personal data to only those personnel, processors or other data processors that need to process that data in order to perform their job or contractual duties. Appropriate agreements for the protection and confidentiality of your data have been signed with them, which stipulate liability for breach of these obligations.

7.3. We conduct periodic reviews and risk assessments of the personal data collection, storage, processing and security measures applied by the Controller.

7.4. We also monitor and moderate data on the Platform in order to effectively counteract any abuse to protect bona fide users and protect them from breach of rights and freedoms as well as property loss.

8. Final provisions

8.1. The User acknowledges and agrees that the User's registration on the Platform, creation of an account and subsequent use of the Platform, any of its services, functionality means the User's unconditional agreement with all clauses of this Policy and unconditional acceptance of its terms.

8.2. The User's continued use of the Platform following any amendments to the Policy shall constitute their acceptance of such amendments and/or additions.

8.3. The User undertakes to review the text of this Policy on a regular basis in order to become acquainted with the amendments to this Policy in a timely manner. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify and/or amend this Policy at any time without prior and/or subsequent notice to User. A new version of this Policy becomes effective on the date it is published on the Platform, unless otherwise stipulated in the new version of this Policy.